The ESO Build Creator: Xynode Gaming
Xynode Gaming is a content creator who produces guides and informative/fun videos for various online platforms to help gaming communities better understand and enjoy their video games. They primarily focus on The Elder Scrolls Online, and has made a significant impact in the TESO community. You can watch Xynode Gaming on YouTube or catch them on Twitch regularly.
Role Description: Magicka DPS
Magicka refers to the mystical power employed to cast Magicka Skills, and is akin to magic points (MP or mana) utilized in other RPGs. Altmer (High Elves), Breton, and Dunmer (Dark Elves) possess a higher maximum magicka in comparison to the other races.
Class Description: Nightblade
With the Nightblade Class, you can strike from the shadows, drain your enemies’ health, and disappear into the void. Your greatest weapon is the darkness itself, as you employ abilities that inflict catastrophic damage from any distance and leech the life force from your victims to empower your allies. As a Nightblade, your lethal and unseen assaults are the stuff of Tamriel’s nightmares.
Recommended Race: Khajiit
The Khajiit Racial Passives provide a versatile set of bonuses that can suit any playstyle, although they may not be as potent as those of other Races. Their improved Sneak and Pickpocket chances make them adept at stealth and thievery, which can come in handy during quests, heists, and PvP. Opting for the Nightblade Class can make Khajiits even more elusive in PvP due to the reduced detection range.
Moreover, Khajiits have a natural affinity for landing critical strikes, which can boost their damage and healing output. It’s recommended to equip gear that increases Critical Strike Chance to maximize this bonus. Overall, while not specializing in any particular role, Khajiits offer a range of useful perks for players who want to mix and match different playstyles.
All Races That Work Well With This Build
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