2 Handed Alcast Altmer (High Elf) Ancient Dragonguard Arcanist Argonian Bloodspawn Bosmer (Wood Elf) Bow Briarheart Dunmer (Dark Elf) Hunding’s Rage Imperial Khajiit Maelstrom Weapons None Nord Orsimer (Orc) Redguard Ring of the Pale Order Selene Solo Tzogvin’s Warband Vicious Serpent

Powerful SOLO Stamina Arcanist Build for ESO by Alcast

Alcast HQ
The ESO Build Creator: Alcast

Alcast is a content creator who primarily devotes their attention to producing content centered around the Elder Scrolls Online, possessing a deep passion for gaming and takes pleasure in crafting informative guides for the benefit of others.

Role Description: Solo

Solo builds in ESO are made specifically for players that want to do content that doesn’t require a group. This is usually overland content and story quests, which doesn’t require as much DPS as dungeons and trials. Solo builds are great for players who want to explore the world of Tamriel at their own pace.

Class Description: Arcanist

Harnessing the arcane energies, ancient runes, and lost tomes of power, the Arcanist is a potent new class empowered by the enigmas of Apocrypha and the forbidden wisdom of Hermaeus Mora. The Arcanist is capable of wielding devastating, restorative, or defensive magic, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Recommended Race: Dunmer (Dark Elf)

Dunmer (Dark Elves) offer a unique advantage as they excel in both Stamina and Magicka roles, making them a versatile choice for players who are unsure about their preferred playstyle. Moreover, they are particularly suitable for those planning to specialize in the Vampirism Skill Line due to their additional resistance to Flame damage, which helps mitigate their vulnerability to Fire-based attacks. If you find it difficult to choose between Stamina or Magicka, or intend to become a Vampire, this Race would be a smart option to consider.

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