The ESO Build Creator: Xynode Gaming
Xynode Gaming is a content creator who produces guides and informative/fun videos for various online platforms to help gaming communities better understand and enjoy their video games. They primarily focus on The Elder Scrolls Online, and has made a significant impact in the TESO community. You can watch Xynode Gaming on YouTube or catch them on Twitch regularly.
Role Description: Healer
Class Description: Arcanist
Harnessing the arcane energies, ancient runes, and lost tomes of power, the Arcanist is a potent new class empowered by the enigmas of Apocrypha and the forbidden wisdom of Hermaeus Mora. The Arcanist is capable of wielding devastating, restorative, or defensive magic, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with.
Recommended Race: Argonian
Argonians were once considered one of the weakest races in the game, but they have become one of the strongest in recent times. They are an excellent choice for those who wish to specialize in Healing due to their increased effectiveness with healing spells. Additionally, their Health increase and ability to restore multiple resources when consuming a potion make them formidable Tanks. The same passives that make them ideal Tanks also make them one of the top races for PvP, regardless of whether they are fulfilling the role of a Tank or not.